From Artist Alicia M B Ballard to You: TALKS, WORKSHOPS, SEMINARS, GATHERINGS ©2003/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11 ~ White Rock, British Columbia, Canada.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


Knowledge and Power are already within us!

At times our lives are affected (perhaps even battered) by events and/or situations that diminish our energy, our personal power/self-esteem and slow down our progress, making it difficult to achieve our dreams, our goals... to live a full and happy life.
Through personal experience and years of reading, study and observation, I began offering Talks and Workshops in mid 2004, on matters relating to our intellectual and emotional (and as a consequence as well, our spiritual) well being.
With time and lots of practice I began to understand the mind-heart-soul and body connection. Making the connection can be trying at times. Even hit and miss! Sometimes, we can run into apparently misleading clues which take us down detour paths, perhaps to gather more information/self-knowledge along the way...
However, even when connections are made, it takes focus to get back on track and remain on "our personal path"... Certainly personal support or a supporting environment are most desirable!
As I observe the world changing around me, I find that as a community we are becoming more and more disengaged - unplugged (?) in our "electronic-whirlwind-distracting-detaching-contemporary daily life demands" not finding much time left to invest deeper into our feelings and our personal relations/communications. Possibly even becoming unaware of our "disconnection" not only from others but also from ourselves.
Even this magnificent venue, in a way, is contributing to a kind of "self-imposed" individual as well as mass isolation, detachment...
Love and Blessings, Alicia

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